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Feminist Tarihin Peşinde [In Pursuit of Feminist History] Joan W. Scott – in Turkish

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Feminist Tarihin Peşinde is comprised of articles written by Joan W. Scott in the last twenty-five years on the themes of gender, feminist history writing, difference and experience. The author skillfully studies the conflictual but also productive relationship between theory and politics and sincerely shares the reflections of it on her own intellectual and political journey. Joan W. Scott, whom Judith Butler describes as “the most trenchant feminist historian of our time”, underlines the emancipatory power of critical thinking instead of “providing a fixed blueprint for a liberated future”.

bgst Yayınları, January 2013, Editors: Fahriye Dinçer, Özlem Aslan, Translators: Ayça Günaydın, Ayten Sönmez, Fahriye Dinçer, Öykü Tümer, Özlem Aslan, 253 pages, 12 x 18 cm, ISBN: 978-975-6165-52-2

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